Google recenzije

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4,9 zvjezdica
408 recenzije
Mount aineer
ocjena: 5 / 5
Super quick service. I wondered about time to deliver as they were based in Czech and I was in Dublin but I ordered Sunday night and had the part in hand on Tuesday morning so I was very pleased.
Kft. Master Partner
ocjena: 5 / 5
Emmanuel ROSSI
ocjena: 4 / 5
(Translated by Google) Order made on Monday night, delivered the following Wednesday. Good communication (order confirmation, shipping notice with tracking). It's good. But delivery error... Finally, problem solved after a while. I order an LMP-H200 and I receive an LMP-H202. 2 incompatible lamps. The delivery note accompanying the package indicates LMP-H202. My order is for an LMP-H200. It is therefore at the merchant that the reference has been modified. A claim is open. After checking, I was told that I must proceed with the reshipment of the package. That it will be checked once received and then we will act... My email address is checked, then I am told that I will receive an email within 5 minutes explaining the return procedure. I ask about the supply of the ordered product. I was told that the product received must first be returned and checked. I specify that the delivery note does not refer to the product ordered but to the product delivered and that therefore the change of reference was made internally at the merchant. I was again told that the product must first be returned and received from the seller. If I ordered this LMP-H200, it's still because I use it. I do not want to depend on the hypothetical goodwill of a merchant when it is he who is the source of the concern. I therefore indicate that I prefer to be reimbursed for my order after return of the product received. The person answers me that in the message that I will receive there is a checkbox for that. UPDATE October 7 The next day, I get a phone call. My interlocutor the day before asks me if I have not received the promised email. I confirm. He then asks me if I don't have another e-mail address. I give him a gmail address that I also use. I then received the letter explaining the return procedures. It is quite surprising, when ordering on a ".fr" site, to have to return to the Czech Republic when the package received came from Germany... I point out that I don't see why I should pay the shipping costs since the error is not mine. I am told to annotate the return document accordingly and I am assured that I will be reimbursed. It is specified to me that, as the refunding will be higher than the initially paid sum, I will have to provide a RIB. UPDATE October 8 Lamp put back in its 2 boxes. then repackaged in a larger box with lots of "bubble" protection. Return document completed as requested put in this box. As there was no box to request reimbursement, I completed the form. In accordance with what is stipulated on this form, I insured the package when sending it. Parcel posted at noon. Monday 11, several contacts took place with the seller. I sent the tracking number of the package, the photo of the original lamp of the VP, the label bearing the reference of the VP and the copy of the invoice for the return of the lamp. Wednesday 13, I consulted the tracking of the package. It said: Your package has suffered an incident. It is being processed by our services. Location: Germany. Thursday, the incident was still noted but with a location in Poland. On Friday 15, no more incidents noted and localization in the Czech Republic, country of destination. Email confirmation of receipt of the package. Monday October 18. Phone call from the seller who asks me if I have received the refunds. I check: I have been reimbursed for the lamp and the return costs on the value date of last Thursday. So everything went back to normal after a while. Thank you to for having respected its commitments as a seller. (Original) Commande faite dans la nuit du lundi, livrée le mercredi suivant. Bonne communication (confirmation de commande, avis d'expédition avec tracking). C'est bien. Mais erreur de livraison... Finalement, souci résolu au bout d'un certain temps. Je commande un LMP-H200 et je reçois un LMP-H202. 2 lampes incompatibles. Le bon de livraison accompagnant le colis indique LMP-H202. Ma commande porte bien sur un LMP-H200. C’est donc chez le marchand que la référence a été modifiée. Une réclamation est ouverte. Après des vérifications, il m'est indiqué que je dois procéder à la réexpédition du colis. Qu'il sera vérifié une fois reçu et qu'alors on agira... Mon adresse de messagerie est vérifiée, puis il m'est indiqué que je vais recevoir dans les 5 minutes un courriel expliquant la procédure de retour. Je demande ce qu'il en est de la fourniture du produit commandé. Il m'est répondu qu'il faut d'abord que le produit reçu soit retourné et vérifié. Je précise que le bon de livraison ne fait pas référence au produit commandé mais au produit livré et que donc le changement de référence a été fait en interne chez le marchand. Il m'est encore répondu qu'il faut d'abord que le produit soit retourné et réceptionné chez le vendeur. Si j'ai commandé ce LMP-H200, c'est quand-même parce-que j'en ai l'usage. Je ne désire pas dépendre de l'hypothétique bon vouloir d’un marchand alors que c’est lui qui est à l’origine du souci. J'indique donc que je préfère être remboursé de ma commande après retour du produit réceptionné. La personne me répond que dans le message que je vais recevoir il y a une case à cocher pour cela. MISE A JOUR du 7 octobre Le lendemain, je reçois un appel téléphonique. Mon interlocuteur de la veille me demande si je n'ai pas reçu le courriel promis. Je confirme. Il me demande alors si je n'aurais pas une autre adresse électronique. Je lui communique une adresse gmail que j'utilise aussi. Je reçois alors le courrier expliquant les modalités de retour. Il est assez surprenant, en commandant sur un site en ".fr", de devoir procéder à un retour en République Tchèque alors que le colis reçu provenait d'Allemagne... Je fais remarquer que je ne vois pas pourquoi je devrais payer les frais de port puisque l'erreur ne vient pas de moi. On me dit d'annoter le document de retour en conséquence et on m'assure que je serai remboursé. Il m'est précisé que, comme le remboursement sera supérieur à la somme payée initialement, je devrai fournir un RIB. MISE A JOUR du 8 octobre Lampe remise dans ses 2 cartons. puis remballée dans un carton plus grand avec beaucoup de protections "bulle". Document de retour rempli comme demandé mis dans ce carton. Comme il n'y avait pas de case pour demander le remboursement, j'ai complété le formulaire. Conformément à ce qui est stipulé sur ce formulaire, j'ai assuré le colis lors de l'envoi. Colis posté à midi. Lundi 11, plusieurs contacts ont eu lieu avec le vendeur. J'ai transmis le n° de suivi du colis, la photo de la lampe originale du VP, l'étiquette portant la référence du VP et la copie de la facture du renvoi de la lampe. Mercredi 13, j'ai consulté le suivi du colis. Il était indiqué : Votre colis subit un incident. Il est en cours de traitement par nos services. Localisation : Allemagne. Jeudi, l'incident était encore noté mais avec une localisation en Pologne. Le vendredi 15, plus d'incident noté et localisation en République Tchèque, pays de destination. Courriel de confirmation de réception du colis. Lundi 18 octobre. Appel téléphonique du vendeur qui me demande si j'ai bien reçu les remboursements. Je vérifie : J'ai bien été remboursé de la lampe et des frais de retour en date de valeur de jeudi dernier. Donc tout est rentré dans l'ordre, au bout d'un certain temps. Merci à d'avoir respecté ses engagements de vendeur.
roman obergan
ocjena: 5 / 5
Amanda was extremely helpful sorting out my lamp for me for the best price which was delivered fast and efficiently will use again for next lamp thanks
Proektory Lampy ru
ocjena: 5 / 5
Anselmo Maggioni
ocjena: 4 / 5
Luigi Evangelista
ocjena: 5 / 5
ocjena: 5 / 5
Konstantin Panasko
ocjena: 5 / 5
An excellent store and especially service, the support person helped me a lot when I could not figure out why I could not pay - we searched together and tried to find out what was the problem - it turned out that I had a very low limit for online card payments and the support person was not lazy and spent his time to find instructions directly to my bank how I can change it myself in my online banking and everything worked out. This is what I call a “procustomer service”.
Aisy Informática
ocjena: 5 / 5
(Translated by Google) Very happy with the service (Original) Muy contento con el servicio
Toni Viladevall
ocjena: 5 / 5
Didier Antouly
ocjena: 5 / 5
(Translated by Google) Perfect !! THANKS (Original) Parfait !! Merci
Vincent Muller
ocjena: 5 / 5
(Translated by Google) I first received a bulb with a defect, it was quickly replaced and works perfectly! The after-sales service is perfect (Original) J'ai d'abord reçu une ampoule avec un défaut, elle a vite été remplacé et fonctionne parfaitement ! Le SAV est parfait
Romar d.o.o. Brezje
ocjena: 5 / 5
Rodrigo Fernandes
ocjena: 5 / 5
(Translated by Google) I ordered a lamp last week but unfortunately I discovered that my projector was defective, I contacted Web Retail to request a return. I was positively surprised by the ease with which they assisted me and the ease of return and later refund. Based on this experience, I recommend this store and will buy again here whenever I lack a projector lamp. (Original) Pedi uma lâmpada, na semana passada mais infelizmente descobri que meu projector estava com defeito, contactei Web Retail para solicitar a devolução. Me surpreendeu positivamente a facilidade com que me atenderam e a facilidade de devolução e posteriormente o reembolso. Baseando-me neste experiencia recomendo essa loja e voltarei a comprar aqui sempre que me falte uma lâmpada de projector.
Aristos Spyrides
ocjena: 5 / 5
Buy from them if you have problem they will help you
aristos spyrides
ocjena: 5 / 5
super support form the customer service a big BRAVO
Anna Petterson
ocjena: 5 / 5
SPECIALISTS, HUGE SELECTION, easy search function by projector model with a large offer of different lamps types – many choices – original and generic lamps – they offer the entire lamp unit with the housing or the bulb by itself
Alexandra Solodovnikova
ocjena: 5 / 5
Profesionální a vstřícné jednání, velký sortiment zboží s podrobným popisem a instrukcemi, doporučuji (Translated by Google) Professional and friendly dealings, a large assortment of goods with detailed descriptions and instructions, I recommend
Soňa Medveďová
ocjena: 5 / 5
Always good experience, I can only recommend
Chalkboard Signs
ocjena: 1 / 5
DO NOT PURCHASE FROM THESE PEOPLE I purchased am original Projector bulb from them via their UK website the bulb arrived damaged it has a broken piece of glass inside it and would not work, i was advised to buy another and once they receive the bulb back the will refund, well the bulb cost me £170 It cost me £35 to return the item, then a further £47 vat customs! And then these guy only part refunded me! it ended up costing me £150! For a broken bulb the funniest part is they charged me a restocking fee........of a broken bulb! DO NOT PURCHASE UNLESS YOU LIVE IN THE SAME COUNTRY AS THEM OTHERWISE YOU WILL BE WELL OUT OF POCKET IF THE ITEM GETS DAMAGED IN TRANSIT WHICH WOULD HAPPEN QUITE OFTEN HENCE WHY THEY ONLY GIVE PART REFUND!
Jaroslav Skalický
ocjena: 5 / 5
Nákup lampy i následné vrácení (zjistil jsem, že problém s mým projektorem není v lampě) proběhlo bez problémů, lampu převzali zpět a peníze přišli na účet (Translated by Google) The purchase of the lamp and the subsequent return (I found out that the problem with my projector is not in the lamp) went without any problems, they took the lamp back and the money came to the account
Dmitrij Kurandin
ocjena: 5 / 5
Skvělé lampy do proektoru co vydrží (Translated by Google) Great projector lamps that last
ocjena: 5 / 5
Mr Cement
ocjena: 5 / 5
Perfektni spoluprace, rychla dodavka, velmi nadstandardni komunikace, vrele doporucuji. Skoro vse skladem (Translated by Google) Perfect cooperation, fast delivery, very above-standard communication, I highly recommend. Almost everything in stock

Ako već o lampama znate sve što je potrebno, preostaje samo odabrati ispravnu varijantu za vas

Najbrži vodič izborom lampe

Pronađi lampu u 2 klika

Lampe za projektore

Lampe za TV